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Monthly Archives: March 2012

Mish mash

My husband’s mom made him something they called Friday night Mish Mash when he was a kid or something like that, anyway it was a meal with a little of this and a little of that in it.  That is what this post is, a mish mash of all sorts of things .Sorry about the lack of posts lately, I have been so tired.  Little Miss has decided that sleeping through the night is no longer an option, so we have been up at around 3:30am every morning.  I guess it could be worse, she could be getting up several times a night.
My weight loss is at a stand still, I gave up the gym because I was only getting there once a week if I was lucky the past couple of weeks, so now it is all about the DVD’s at home.  I ordered a new workout system called Turbo Fire, it looks really hard, but I think I can do it if I stick to it and at least I can then do it anytime I want during the day if Little Miss is cooperative or at night when hubby gets home.
I have moved my craft room from the basement to Little Miss’ room, she is still sleeping in our room so I decided to use the space in her room, for now. I was never able to get down there to work on Scrapbooking and my new project baptism decorations, so now I can work in a nice space with more light and heat, always a bonus.  I will have to post a picture this weekend of my fabulous crafty space.
Hmm what else do I have to share,  I realized today that I need all new makeup, I probably have been using the same stuff since I was pregnant with Little Miss, I think I am going to go back to using Bare Escentuals it makes my skin look great.  So I will be saving my pennies to get myself some.  I think I will do a post about all of my favorite things, so look for that in the coming days.  So TGIF, hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!!! Please spread the word about my blog for me, get others to follow, thanks.


7 months old today, and I will say it again, I cannot believe I am sitting here now, remarking on this wonderful day and how truly far we have come.  Sitting in her hospital room watching a machine breathe for her seems like a distant memory yet as if it happened yesterday.  If my being today could talk to me 5 months ago, I would tell myself not to worry, not to fret, not to shed any tears but happy tears, because you are going to be alright, you are all going to be just fine.  There is light and happiness at the end of this gloomy tunnel waiting for you, just be brave, be strong and it will all work out in the end.
A friend told me while I was in the hospital with my little girl “You are going to look back on this months from now and wonder how the hell you got through it all.”  Well friend today is one of those days, how did I get through it all, how did she get throught it all, how did our family and friends get through it all?”  Strength, strength I never knew I had, bravery I never knew was inside of me.  As I look at her today rolling over on her belly, so alert, so strong I can’t even beleive she is the same baby.  She went from the baby who slept 22 hours a day, to the baby that refuses to take a nap, she went from a baby who hardly ate an ounce of food to eating and drinking all the time and getting excited about it.  She was the baby that never cried and now boy does she let you know, when she’s happy, hungry or just wants to have a chat.
So to all those moms and dads that are going through what my family and I have gone through, be strong, there is hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to work really hard to get to the end of it, and on the other side waits a beautiful life with a beautiful baby who really just wants to be loved and cherished.

Noises, and Sounds and Math Oh My

Ma Ma Ma, Ba Ba Ba, Da Da Da.  These are the sounds that we are trying to get our little girl to start saying.   She does a whole lot of yelling lately and sometimes seems to utter those sounds, but I cannot be quite sure.  As they tell me that we should be hearing more of those sounds from her I start to worry because we are not really hearing them often or at all for that matter.  I keep telling myself that she will do it eventually, she will make those sounds when she is good and ready, but it is still hard waiting and hoping that she will do all the things that she is supposed to.  I do know this the day I hear her call Mommy or Daddy will be the most wonderful day and I can’t wait for it.In other news I have discovered that my son is quite the math whiz, he keeps bringing home fabulous grades and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

Appointments A Plenty

Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, Specialists, oh my.  Never did I dream of any of this when I was pregnant with my little girl.  Although all the appointments and doctors can be so overwhelming I am glad that I had her during a time when there is so much available to her and so many people willing to help her. She attracts people wherever we go, she has such a bubbly little personality that people just flock to her.  I admire that about my little girl, at only six months old she has the ability to light up an entire room.  I love her so much.  I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. Don’t forget Down Syndrome Day is coming soon, do something special for someone you know who has Down Syndrome or has been affected by Down Syndrome in some way.

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