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FCS is a quarterly subscription box that gives you samples of some really fun and unique bath products.  This summer they have such a fun box that is themed after the ever popular Candyland game.

“Lick Your Lips” Fortune Cookie Soap – These are FCS’s signature products and I love them. This one smells and looks just like Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream, yum.
“Rock Your Socks Off” Solid Sugar Scrub – This scrub smells just like grape soda.

 “Captain’s Berried Booty”Whipped Cream – This smells exactly like Captain Crunch and Berry cereal.   I love, love, love the FCS Whipped Creams they are my absolute favorite.
“Sweet Dreamsicle” Wax Tart – This citrusy, vanilla, and pineapple is the perfect scent to fill your home during those warm summer nights.

“Lemon Drop It Like It’s Hot” Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub – This is FCS’s newest skincare product!   It has a lemon, orange zest scent.

“Lollipop Your Cherry” OCS Hand Sanitizer – I love FCS hand sanitizers, they are my favorite.  This is a cherry, vanilla sweet smell and I can’t wait to use it.  It smells so yummy.

“The Sweet Spot” Sparkle Me – This body spray mist has a shimmer to it that leaves a bit of a sparkle on your skin. The fruity scent is a combination of melon, strawberries, peaches, oranges, and pineapple.  Smells so sweet!

“Blow Me” Lip Scrub – Smells just like bubble gum and I have always wanted to try a lip scrub.

PROJECT 365 DAYS 128-130- Boot Camp

So I showed up at this exercise place for women this morning.  I was taught how to eat, what to eat, how much to eat, how many calories.  All the women were very kind and supportive of each other, it was so nice to see and to feel comfortable and like I could be friends with people I just met.  Feeling great, feeling good, fast forward to the workout. I think the trainer was trying to kill me.  No really.  She made me run. RUN!!!!!! I don’t run, I can’t run, this is the dialog that plays in my head when I think of running.  It was the dialog in my head this morning with a few choice curse words I won’t share here.  I ran and lifted weights, and ran some more, and squats and lunges and then it happened, I puked.  REALLY????? I am paying for this?????  I felt like I was on The Biggest Loser.
I can say that I did the best I could after being thrown in the fire, I ran a little, I couldn’t run like the other ladies there.  I couldn’t do as many jumping jacks as them, but I tried and they cheered me on.  It was the first time in my life I felt like I had a breakthrough in my health, the first time I felt good about myself, like wow I just did that??????  I FREAKING RAN!!!!!! ME! I RAN! It wasn’t like a 5k or anything in fact it was probably less than 1/2 a mile but I did it.

Then the realization of how incredibly out of shape I am, set in. But I guess I have to start somewhere right?  I chose to throw myself into the fire, but hey I am an all or nothing type of gal.  This class is every Saturday for a month.  Maybe I will get better and will sign up again who knows.  I am on a mission to go out of my comfort zone and this certainly did it.


Epcot’s Flower and Garden Festival will be coming to an end in a couple of weeks.  We were able to see it a few weeks ago and I love it. I think it is my favorite time at Epcot.

Project 365 Days 109-112 Easter 2014

Happy Easter to all.  Hope you had a great day spent with your loved ones.  We spent the day at Downtown Disney and it was a fabulous day.



Gavin McInnes, do you know who he is?  I have no idea who the hell he is nor do I care.  I saw this video of him on Fox News, comparing Al Sharpton to a retard or a person with Down Syndrome.  No sir I don’t think anyone really cares who you are or what you do, but as a special needs mom I care that you used a public platform to spew your ignorance. You should be ashamed of yourself.


So we are all moved into our new place and we are loving it.  We finally feel at home and plan to stay here for a long time.  We are not nearly unpacked yet but we will get there.   So I hope everyone is doing well.  I will return to regular blogging tomorrow.


Moving day is quickly approaching and we still have so much to do.   So much that the last thing I should be doing right now is blogging, but it’ll be a quick one.  Both kids have head colds, boy do they have timing or what.  Oh well, hopefully it passes quickly.  Well back to cleaning and packing. I will be back to a regular blogging schedule possibly next week, if we get unpacked quickly.

We are going to miss our friends that we made here and we will definitely keep in touch, we won’t be too far that we can’t get together every once in a while. Plus my son plays Minecraft with his best friend so they will be able to talk to each other often. They have had lots of fun together and will continue to have lots more fun in the years to come.

PROJECT 365 DAYS 93-95- Still Moving Right Along!

Stress is something that I don’t do well with these days.  I am dealing with a lot of it at the moment and it is not fun.  We have so much to do and it seems like not enough time to do it.  I know that it will probably all work out in the end but it’s the time in between that I am feeling like I am going to self combust.

I really have no desire to move ever again after this.  After reading about other’s who have moved just as much if not more than us, I started to feel better. It’s nice to know that we are not the only crazy ones out there..ha ha!  Well back to bubble wrap, tape and boxes.  I will check back in, in a few days. Be well.

Project 365 Day 90-92 MOVING RIGHT A LONG

So we are moving for the umpteenth time, next week to be exact and the amount of stress I am feeling right now, is CRAZY.  I HATE moving, it makes me wonder why I do it so often.  I am hoping that this is it, this is where we remain for quite a few years before we totally get sick of Florida.  I know when we got down here last year that I hated where we were and I would spend that year finding a new place that I did love and this is the place.  Don’t get me wrong we did meet some really nice people here and make some really good friends that we plan to keep in touch with, it’s just not the right fit for us here.    So off we go in a few days.

So excited to be starting so many things in our lives and so excited to be able to share them with you.  My blogging schedule may be put on hold for a bit until we get moved. So until next time my friends, can’t wait to catch up with you when we are settled and let you know all the new and exciting things we are going to begin.

FYI- Have been trying to braid little Miss’ hair, it is like trying to braid the hair on a moving target, but it looks cute.

Project 365 Days 82-87 What they Didn’t tell me!

What they didn’t tell me about Down Syndrome, was that my daughter
-was going to look like me, look like my son, and my husband
-that she would love Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches and Spaghetti
-that she would be sassy
-that she would have a strong personality
-that she would love to make me laugh and smile
-that she would love Mickey Mouse
-that she would learn to walk
-that she would learn to talk
-that things would eventually be “normal”
-that instead of getting to know her diagnosis I would start to get to know her
-that I wouldn’t  be able to imagine my life without her
-that her smile would melt my heart each and every day

Do you know what I wish?

I wish that I could be someone who could visit mom’s who have just given birth to a baby with Down Syndrome so that I could show them Leah, so that I could show them it’s going to be really hard in the beginning.  But one day you are going to wake up and Down Syndrome won’t matter.  Down Syndrome will not define your child, Down Syndrome will be something you have to deal with, yes, but it gets so much easier.
I wish I could tell the parents that are crying that it is going to be okay, I wish I could hug them and say you are going to be fine, your baby is going to be fine.  You can do this, you will do this, you will be okay.

I wish I had that when I found out my daughter’s diagnosis,  I wish there had been more positivity, I wish that someone hugged me and told me that it is going to be okay.

I thank God that she is here, I thank God that she is a part of our lives now and she makes our family complete.  Maybe someday I will make my dream come true and be able to talk to other moms and let them know that it is all going to be okay.

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