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Category: Holidays

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s everyone, I hope you give your kids an extra squeeze tonight, and tell them you love them.  Let your special someone know how much you care.  Have a wonderful night, I am enjoying my kids and my hubby.

2012 Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya Where the Good Lord Split Ya

Thanks for the memories, the heart ache, the happy times, the wonderful times. 

I learned a lot this year.

January– I turned 35 and my girl went off all of her heart medications, I remember never being so excited.

February- Loving spending time with the kids, it was a time of staying indoors a lot, and we celebrated Valentine’s Day
March- Our 10th Wedding Anniversary

April- Our little girl was learning and doing so much.

May/June– We made new friends at the down syndrome association

July– My little boy turned 7
August- My little girl turned 1
September- Hubby turned 38 and little guy started 2nd grade
October- Our First Buddy Walk

November- We spent Thanksgiving at home and I cooked my first turkey

December-  Had a wonderful Christmas together and had lots of Elf on the Shelf fun

Worries, Halloween, Holidays Oh My

The future looks bright, the future looks exciting, the future scares the crap out of me.  I started to worry again yesterday, which I guess one does when they are a mom.  I am already worrying about my daughter, already worrying about how people will treat her, already worried people will not accept her, worried they will make fun of her, worried they will mistreat her because she is “different” according to their standards.  We are looking to move to a place that has a fabulous special ed program before she is of school age, we thought we were in a great place, but according to her therapists the school district is going to start making things extremely difficult and they are leaning back toward self contained classrooms.  I do not want her in self contained, I want her to be in regular ed, I am a teacher prior to being a mommy and I can see the perfect setting for her in my head and somehow I know in my heart that it is probably not a reality.  So we are looking at different states now deciding what we will eventually do, if you know of any information about your state please let me know.
On a lighter note, Halloween is coming and I couldn’t be more excited, my daughter is going to be Minnie Mouse and my son is going to be Boba Fett (some Star Wars guy)  I didn’t get to do a lot of things I wanted to do this fall, so I decided I am instead going to get a headstart on Christmas, crafts, gifts, stockings, it is going to be fabulous.  What things have you been up to this fall? What are you looking forward to this holiday season.  Leave me a comment. 

Happy First Birthday

One year later, I cannot even believe it.  I look back on it now and I think my heart and my mind knew it, they knew that we would all be okay, that I would be okay that I was going to be the best mommy that my little girl could have ever asked for. She knew it, from the moment they placed her in my arms, from the moment our eyes met she knew we’d be okay.  She knew it would be hard, that we would all go through a lot, but this was the very place that she wanted to be, that she needed to be.  She has become part of us, part of our little family, part of the only things and people we need in this world.
People will never understand, people will never get it, until they live it and I am so happy that you chose me and I am so happy that I get to live this life with you, my precious angel.  I have learned so much since the day they brought you to me in that hospital bed.  I have learned that it’s all going to be okay, I have learned that we can get through anything we put our minds to, we can do it together as a family.  I have learned that I can be the best mother I can be with you and your brother by my side.  I have become so much more this year, I have become a better person, a better wife, a better friend, a better woman because of the wonder and the joy you have brought into my life.  You came into our lives at a moment in time, a moment in time that I felt pure pain and devistation, a moment in time I wish I could do over, if I only knew then what I know right now. If I only knew how much I was going to need you, if I only knew what joy you were going to bring to my life, if I only knew that everything was going to be okay, I wouldn’t have cried so much, I wouldn’t have put myself through all the what if’s.
I do know this, once that moment was over, I knew you were mine, I knew that I was never going to let you go, I was going to hold you in my arms, I was going to be there for you and we would get through it all together.  You have taught me so much in this one short year, things I would not have otherwise learned had you not come into my life. Real lessons, about life, about love, about trust.  My sweet baby girl, you are turning 1 years old today, and there is so much to be thankful for.  I thank God everyday for giving you to me, for allowing me to be your mommy, and I will be there for you no matter what, today and everyday.  I love you my sweet smiley girl, Happy First Birthday.


This is a Summer Bucket List of things I plan to do with my family and myself this summer 2012, I hope.

1.       Go to the beach

2.       Go bowling

3.       Go to Disney World

4.       Go to the zoo

5.       Make lemonade

6.       Blow bubbles

7.       Finger paint

8.       Water fight

9.       Swim

10.   Make popsicles

11.   Treasure hunt

12.   Birthday parties

13.   Water park

14.   Cookout

15.   Hike

16.   Go to a museum

17.   Go to NYC

18.   Visit a farm

19.   Sidewalk chalk

20.   Make Disney Tshirts

21.   Bean bag toss

22.   Picnic

23.   Parades

24.   Fireworks

25.   Game Night

26.   Write a book

27.   Arts and Crafts

28.   Stormville Fleamarket

29.   Mini golf

30.   Have a 4th of July Party

31.   Make our own Flat Stanley and take him with us all summer

32.   Invite friends over for playdates

33.   Bake cookies for friends

34.   Make a dream board

35.   Go to a new playground

36.   Find a support group for Down Syndrome

37.   Tye Dye Shirts

38.   Read some great books

39.   Manicure & Pedicure

40.   Get a tattoo (maybe I can get the rub on variety- I think I am a little scared to do the real thing) in admiration of my daughter and my son

41.   Ride as many roller coasters as we can

42.   Go to a carnival

43.   Go to a drive inn

44.   Have a pizza party

45.   Have an ice cream party

46.   Get stronger

47.   Succeed at my diet

48.   Do something special with my husband

49.   Get a team together and donations for the Buddy Walk in the Fall

50.   Have a family picture taken

51.   Bake a pie

52.   Go somewhere new

53.   Take a nap

54.   Take D bike riding on rail trail

55.   Have a girl’s night

56. Maybe attend the Down Syndrome Conference if we can make some extra
 money and if the pediatrician says it’s okay.

57. Have a yard sale

This a pretty good start I think, I hope I get to do it all!!!!!


As a child summer couldn’t get here quick enough, the time between Easter and Summer vacation felt like an eternity.  I remember that was the time I would get to spend time with my parents,  they both worked so it was hard for them during the work week.  But vacation was the best, we usually spent 4th of July in Hershey Park and another week in July in Disneyworld.  It was awsome and I have some of my most fondest memories of those times.
This is actually the first summer in a long time that I am so excited for, I feel like a kid on Christmas or one in the back seat saying “Are we there yet, how much longer?”  I need this summer,I need to go on vacation, I need to be with my little family, I need to escape the reality of therapies and medical bills for just a little while, I need to feel the warm sun on my face, the sweet smell of the ocean, I need to feel the hustle and bustle of amusement parks, I need it now, more than ever.  There is something about summer vacation that instantly brings you back to the time when your were a child, the anticipation, the excitement, I am feeling all of those feelings now and I have not felt them in a long time.  I decided I am going to make somewhat of a summer bucket list, things I would love to do all summer with the kids and my husband and for myself and I hope that I will at least get to do some of them.
Both my kids are summer babies so it will be lots of celebrations, lots of games and parties, and decorations, just lots of fun. 
I know all the responsibilities of therapies and medical bills will still be here but it will be nice to escape into the sunshine and all the glories of summer even if just for a little while. So sunshine and carefree days I am ready for ya, bring it on.


Yesterday was my little girls first big outing and her first Easter.  With Spring comes, new life, new awakenings, new moments to treasure. We had our first vist to someone’s house since August, it was a wonderful feeling and a little nerve wracking at the same time. I can’t wait to have many more outings and the chance to make wonderful memories with my little family.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter !!!!!

Springy Spring

So it is Spring and we are allowed to leave the house, FINALLY.  It has been a very long almost 8 months of being stuck in the house.  So now that she is free to go out, I am afraid to expose her to the world, afraid of the stares from strangers who are ignorant, afraid of the germs out there, afraid of the unknown.  I know that I can’t protect her from everything but I am her mother aren’t at least supposed to try.
So I will take her out and face my fears head on, there will always be germs and there will always be ignorant people, so I guess we will take the good with the bad and live our lives to the fullest.
Happy Spring Everyone!!!!!

10 Years Together

It all started in an internet chat room on AOL 14 years ago.  Then we started chatting on the phone every night for hours.  Then we decided that we should meet face to face. I was attending college in NYC so I planned for us to meet at the Disney Store on 5th Avenue, it was as public as you could get, you can never be too careful in these situations.  I stood there waiting for him and slipped inside the store wanting to chicken out, I thought to myself, “this guy is never going to like me, I should just leave now.”  But I changed my mind and thank goodness I did. We met when I was 21 and have been together ever since. We were engaged in December of 2000.We were married in March 2002 and went to Disney World on our Honeymoon.  We made it to our 10 year anniversary, we have had our many ups and downs, we have overcome some of the hardest obstacles in our 10  years together but we have managed to pull through together. I am so glad that he found me that day on the internet and that we decided to meet.   We have created wonderful memories together and have had a beautiful family.  I don’t know where the road of life is going to take us in the years ahead but I do know that no matter what life throws at us we are going to get through it all, together.  I know that no matter what, I have a partner and a best friend who will always be by my side as we continue this crazy life together. He is the best father I could have ever chosen for my children and a wonderful husband.  I appreciate everything that he does for me and our kids.  Happy 10th Anniversary to my best friend for life.


I hated Valentine’s Day when I was a teenager.  I never had a boyfriend, and was often reminded by family members that I would never have a boyfriend unless I lost weight first, but that’s a whole other blog post.  Anyway I remember being in High School and someone making me believe that a boy actually liked me, ME? REALLY? I remember her giving me chocolate and a flower from this said “boy,” and telling me that he was going to ask me out, blah, blah, blah.  Anyway I was always very leary of people and was always waiting for the other shoe to drop because I had been hurt many times before.  Anyway, I started to actually believe it, she was very convincing I must say, she even got other people in on it.  On Valentine’s Day of Freshman year I found out it was a big ol lie, I was crushed, crushed because someone who was supposed to be my friend lied to me and hurt because of course he didn’t like me, boys didn’t like girls like me.
When I was 21 I met my husband and he started doing the most wonderful things for me on Valentine’s Day.  He always makes me feel so loved.  So I guess as a young girl I didn’t know how nice Valentine’s Day could be when you share it with someone you love. As a mom I also love sharing Valentine’s Day with my kid, giving them valentines and extra hugs and kisses.

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