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Category: Mommy Matters

Be Happy

Trying to make the best of any situation is my new motto, look on the bright side,my new mantra. Easier said than done,trust me I know, but if I don’t do this, all I will do instead is cry. It is rather easy to remain positive when you encircle yourself with people who exude blessedness,bliss,cheer, joy, jubilation, merriment, you know, happieness.  I guess now that I am trying to live by this golden rule I find myself noticing that there are certain people around me who seem to get joy not out of delight but out of misery. I find myself noticing that the more misery and despair a person seems to have the more these people seem to cling like moths to a flame.  They say misery loves company right?  Well this kind of misery effects me, it effects me down to my core.  When I am with someone who is so unhappy with their life, who looks for the bad and the dismay in everything, I feel like I become sucked into their black hole of misery, like I am drowning in a black lagoon filled with hardship, lonlieness and depression. I feel like I just have to get out, find a happy place, find some joy, find some brightness to save me from their grip of doom.
No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to make these kind of people happy, I know that it is not my job but I feel like if I sprinkle some happy dust, some laughter sprinkles all over them then they would have no choice but to feel glee.  But this almost NEVER works, they thrive on this melancholy and live for a feeling of sorrow and would have it no other way.  These are the people happy living in there own world of gloom.Then there are others who feel the need to bring you down into their depths of despair, spreading hatred, saying awful things about people to anyone willing to listen.  Sometimes people like this cannot survive without feeling like they have to badmouth others.  All of this is a shame, life is so short to have to live in a world where all one thrives on is hatred.
Loving people in your life and having moments with people shouldn’t be so hard, it should come as easy as each breath we take. So as a mother I find myself looking for relationships with people that are easy to get along with, happy by nature, friendly and just want to have fun. I am glad that I have a husband that enjoys having fun and making memories with our kids.  I am lucky to have friends that make me laugh and make me smile.  I am fortunate to have a family that is there for me no matter what.  Fun and making wonderful memories are the things I have to focus on, the things I want in my life and I am hoping as a I continue to surround myself with wonderful people, then the unhappieness and bitterness will be a fading memory.
So if this bitterness lives within you, just remember that life is so short, fill your life with joy, wonder and amazement, instead of grief, sorrow and sadness. Don’t get me wrong it’s okay to have a day when you feel like crap and don’t want to face the world, but it is the people that stay in that sadness that are missing out on the good things in life.

Bucket List

“Write it down. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant’s into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don’t just think it – ink it!”- Author Unknown

So these are the things I hope to do in my lifetime and they are in no particular order.

Own my own home with a fabulous kitchen and craft room
Be a great friend
Be more outgoing
Find a wonderful place to live
Have a big birthday party for myself
Keep really good friends in my life
Color my hair red or blonde
Love myself more
Be confident
Have a fundraiser to raise $ for Down Syndrome
Start a foundation and donate baskets to  Maria Ferreri Children’s Hospital.
Spend Christmas in NYC
Do something I said I would never ever do
Go to the Statue of Liberty
See the wild horses on a beach
Write a novel
Have the nerve to do karyoke
Visit a winery
Visit Yosemite National Park
Have a girls weekend getaway
Go to Vegas
Go snorkeling
Go scuba diving
Change someone’s life
Create a family tree
Get a dog
Read 100 books
Watch 100 movies
Drive from NY to CA
Rent a beach house in Cape May for the whole summer
Spend a weekend in NYC
Witness a solar eclipse
Visit all 50 states
Discover what makes me truly happy
See the koala’s in Australia
Surprise someone
See a sunset and sunrise
Plant a tree
Write a letter to my friends to let them know how much they mean to me
Get a complete makeover
Raise happy and healthy children
Run a 5k
Learn to ski
Go bowling
Learn to surf
Learn to play tennis
Learn sign language
Learn to play the guitar
Go rock climbing
Get healthy, lose weight.
Go on a cruise
Go to the Grand Canyon as an adult
Visit Italy
Visit England
Go to the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC
Take up photography
Take up gourmet cooking
Learn to draw and paint
Learn to sew
Discover my life’s purpose
Get a PHD
Make a difference in someone’s life
Write and publish a children’s book.
Sleep in Cinderella’s Castle
Be a college professor
Have at least 1000 blog followers
Create a home with an inviting, joyous, comfortable, loving atmosphere
Go whale watching
Swim with dolphins
Live near the beach
Find inner peace
Learn to forgive
Learn Yoga
Learn to meditate
Go to lots of broadway plays
Start my own craft business, or children’s birthday party business
Pay off all our debt
Go to Hawaii
That’s about all I can think of, I hope I have inspired all of you to create your own lists.


As a child that attended catholic school, I remember the activity so clearly, each year we would be given a cornucopia to color and decorate.  On the Horn of Plenty were lines and on those lines we were supposed to write all the things we were thankful for.  As a child I didn’t even think about it and I probably wrote the same thing every year. “I am thankful for my family, the roof over my head, the food on my plate.”  Don’t get me wrong I am still thankful for those things but today as a mother I am thankful for so much more than that.

  • I am thankful for a wonderful husband who provides for us in so many ways.  We have had our ups and downs as all married people do, but we will always be there for each other no matter what comes our way. 
  • I am thankful for the most wonderful son a mother could ask for. He is full of love, light and laughter.  His sensitive nature is something I will always admire in him.
  • I am thankful for my daughter who has been through so much in her little life, she is so strong and brave, she is my hero.
  • I am thankful for my parents, who have been here for my family in more ways than I can count.  They have made so many things possible for me and I don’t know what I would do without them.
  • I am thankful for my family members who kept in touch with me through the tough times and I always knew that they would be there if I needed them.
  • I am thankful for the Maria Farreri Children’s Hospital and for the doctors and nurses there.  Without that beautiful place and all of those wonderful people, I don’t know where we would be today.
  • I am thankful for wonderful friends who have been there for me in the past 3 months, and have changed my outlook on life and people.  They have taught me more things then they will ever know, and I love them for that.  I hope that someday I can be as good a friend to them as they have been to me.

I have always lived my life following the rules, never stepping out of line, always doing what I thought was right.  Although this is a wonderful way to live, it unfortunately caused me to not enjoy to moment, to not have fun, to not seek out things that I might enjoy.  The thing that I am most thankful for is that all that my little family has been through in the past 3 months has made me realize that it’s okay to have fun, it’s okay to lighten up a bit, it’s okay to be silly and live in the moment.  I hope this has made you think about all the things you are thankful for in your life.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter seems to be the best medicine for me right now.  While talking to a friend last night and my cousin earlier in the day. I realized I really needed to laugh, it felt good, it felt like all the pressure building up inside me was released in a single chuckle. Most people do not know what to say to me, most people feel sorry for me, but it is so nice to know that there are people out there who get me and what I am going through and can most certainly make me laugh until I cry. They say that laughter has social, mental and physical benefits, all of which I could certainly use right now.  We are born with laughter, my daughter has begun to smile within the first few weeks of life and will be able to laugh out loud in a few months.
Sometimes I have an inherited fear of doom in my life, an expectation that all things bad will come my way because I am being punished in some way.
In talking with that friend last night, I came to the realization that things are not so bad.  I need to create more opportunities in my life to laugh and to experience true happieness. It must start with removing all the negative vibes in my life, removing everyone and everything that causes me to feel that overwhelming sense of dismay.
I will instead try to smile more,  count my blessings and allow more laughter and fun people into my life, people who truly care about me and will go out of their way to make me smile.  So thank you to those people in my life that make me laugh and smile (you know who you are :))


Talking about all this renewal yesterday, got me to thinking about birthdays.  I have loved celebrating my son’s birthday each year and planning a wonderful birthday party for him.  Now that we have our little girl my mind is full of so many wonderful ideas to start celebrating her birthdays. This year will be the most special of all I think, when we make it through to August and being able to look behind us and say, “I can’t believe we made it.”  That is the day I long for.
I love birthdays and parties, I never really had birthday parties growing up and have always wanted one so I guess that’s why I like to go all out when it is for my children.  I am super crafty, ask anyone. I like to try to make everything and I have so much fun doing it, everyone says I should start my own business, maybe I will someday.
This was D’s first birthday. Yes I made everything and loved every minute of it.


I Am What I Am and That’s All That I Am

“Without knowing what I am and why I am here, life is impossible.” Leo Tolstoy

So when I went for my 6 week check up after having the baby, the doctor told me to still try and find the time to do the things I like to do and to remember who I am and not to lose that.  Of course this got me thinking who am I? I mean really besides mommy who am I, it is so true that when you have kids somehow who you are and what you love to do gets lost along the way, so I thought I would sit down and think about this question and make a list as long as I could of all things describing me. 

I love planning birthday parties for kids (and if I do say so myself, I am super good at it- I love the details, and I make everything, well almost everything- so far I have done my son’s birthdays- Sesame Street, Farmyard, Pirates, Batman and Spongebob)
I like to play board games.(Scrabble, Monopoly, Jenga, Trivia etc)
I was born and raised in Bronx, NY (Everyone says I do not sound like it anymore- guess I have lost the need to say I’m goin to visit my motha and my fatha)
My pointer finger on my right hand has no ligaments so I can’t point it (I know very exciting tidbit of information I just thought you needed to know)
I can play the recorder (About all I remember it “When the Saints Go Marching in” 
I was shelterd as a child (I didn’t date until I was 21 need I say more)
I love watching my son grow into this wonderful person (He is so clever, funny and imaginative, sometimes I wish I could be more like him)
I go out of my way to make holidays, occassions and events special for everyone (I love making things for people-crafty things)
I love reading to my son (He loves this book called Zoomer and another one called Chester, very funny stuff)
I love going to Hershey Park (A place where everything is about the chocolate)

I love going to Cape May (I never knew the place existed until I met my husband, I told you I was sheltered)
am extremely thoughtful (I love going out of my way to do things for people)
I love going to Disney World (I have probably been there 25 times)
I long to have my own home (This probably will not ever happen, not in the cards for me)
I would love to open my own business (Crafty type)

I want to take photography classes (working on either taking classes or teaching myself)
I am usually not good at keeping in touch with people (I suck at calling people, I am better at email)
I love Reality TV (Real Houswives, Biggest Loser, Dancing with the Stars,)
When I was pregnant I craved oranges, melon, burritos and egg salad

I love to snuggle with my little girl 
I wear a size 9 shoe 
I love the beach 
I am an over achiever 
I am a homebody

I am impatient with myself but patient with others 
I am good at whatever I put my mind to 
I love to watch TLC(What Not to Wear,Say Yes to the Dress, 19 Kids and Counting, Little People Big World, The Little Couple, just to name a few) & The Food Network (Diners, Drive Ins and Dives is my fave)
I love to cook (but I make a huge mess)
I love amusement parks (I just like the atmosphere, the food, the rides, you know all of it)
I love pizza (salad pizza is my new fave)
I saw New Kids on the Block in concert twice when I was 12 (yes I will admit that)
I have been to a Josh Groban Concert by myself (When we went to Hershey one year he was playing there and I bought myself a ticket)
I love Josh Groban (so want to meet him one day)
I have bad memories about things that were supposed to be great times in my life and were not

I had the best wedding I have ever been to (and I’m not just saying that)
I love Juji Fruits

My family says I am too sensitive (I am but I am okay with that)
My greatest accomplishment are my kids (They are the best thing I have ever done with my life)
I would love to live in Manhattan (I went to college there and oh how I miss it)
I have had 2 csections (all traumatic in there own way)
I have taught K, 2nd, 4th and 5th grade (5th was my favorite)
I bite my nails (not anymore I quit cold turkey)
I didn’t start dating until I was 21 (met my husband when I was 21 too) 

I have taken Zumba classes and loved it (It is an awsome workout)
I am an only child (after seeing my mother’s family drama- I am glad I am the only one)
I would love to live in the south (Maybe North Carolina) 
I attended Catholic School for 13 years 
I have taken Belly Dancing Classes and loved it 
I love COFFEE (the smell, the taste yummm)

I love to bake (cookies mostly)
I love to read self help books (lose weight, exercise, be happy, do it all)
I am left handed (it sucks living in a right handed world)
I like white gold and silver jewelry (just a preference)
I love to surf the internet (self diagnosis, research, gifts I would love to receive)
I love crafts (scrapbooking etc)
I hate being around rude and obnoxious people  
I was born 2 months early and the doctors told my parents I wouldn’t make it through the night. (here I am 34 years later.
I have a scar on my right foot from an IV they put in my foot as an infant (sadly I will never be a foot model)
I love traveling (I want to go on a cruise, I want to see Italy, Ireland and England and all 50 states) 
I had braces for 4 years 
I was teased a lot as a child (and I wonder why I still have body image issues- thanks)
I love taking pictures 
I love to eat in new places

I unplug appliances before I leave the house 
I am shy but I can be loud 

I am a great wife 
I am a great mommy 
I would have loved to have had 3 or 4 kids (but that dream is shattered)
I am unhappy with my current body and weight 
I would love to live on the beach or on a farm (which ever comes first)
I get upset easily 
I want to write a children’s book 
I am creative 
I must wash my hair every day 
I am not a morning person 
I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 21 
Friday nights are my favorite part of the week 
I love men with British accents 
I have made my own bread 
Fall is my favorite season 
I am clumsy 
I have no sense of direction 
I worry ALOT

I earned my Masters Degree while I was 9 months pregnant with my son
I love a good bargain 
I love to shop 
I cry too easily 
I like being alone 
I hate being late 
I love to swim 
I would do anything for a friend 
I would do anything for my family 
I love being a stay at home mom

I HATE when people ask me if I am going back to teaching or when I am going back to work. (I’m not so DON’T ASK)
I am quiet and shy and often come across as bitchy but I am really not.
I wish I was more active.

Wow that was a lot and that was hard, I guess we have to know who we are in life, know what makes us tick, know who we are in order to know who we are going to become, there are so many other things I want to do in my life, there is no time like the present. Next list I work on will be a list of all the things I want to accomplish.

The Ride Of Life

Life is a rollercoaster ride or so we are told.  Sometimes you want to ride the dips and hills with your hands in the air, other times you’ve got a white knuckled grip on the bar and you are holding on for dear life, and then there are those times when you just want to get off the ride, not wanting to endure the highs or lows that come with riding.
Life is a lot like this, especially when there are things getting thrown at you left and right.  Sometimes I feel like I can accomplish anything, conquer the world, I am super mom.  Other times I feel like I just want to curl into a ball and let it all just pass me by, like I cannot handle what the ride of life has to throw at me.
I feel like I have been having a few of those get off the ride days, surgeons, cardiologists, pediatricians, when will it ever end?  I know I should be thankful, I know I should be saying, “Thank God -her heart can be fixed.”  But inside I want to scream,  “She is just a baby, damn it, why is she having to go through all of this crap?”  I feel heartbroken, I feel like I want to do all the things that new moms want to do, show off my baby, have a christening, go to mommy and me classes, take her out but I cannot do any of these things for fear of her getting sick.   I so yearn for a sense of normalcy, a sense that we are just like any other mother and daughter, but we are not and I am reminded of that by the doctors. 
Sometimes we all have those days where we feel sorry for ourselves and our circumstances, we just want to be average, normal.  But what is that really?  Normal?  Is it something to be happy about?  Maybe we can but I guess it’s the excitement of the dips and hills in the ride of our life that keeps us coming back for more.

Loves of My Life

Having to bring my daughter back and forth from specialist to specialist and seeing all those children and their parents in the hospital when we met with the surgeon yesterday, got me to thinking. We all really love our kids no matter what.  Whatever our children are going through, one would hope that as a mother or a father that you would be there for your child and show them how much you love him or her. You would move mountains, walk on water all in the name of love for your child if you could. Right?  So then I got to thinking some more, (I am really good at thinking) how does this sweet baby girl and my wonderful son know that I love them, do they know? Do they  truly know how much I love them from the depth of my soul? So I thought I should write it down so that, one day they can read it and realize that I loved them from the moment they came into my life.

To My Sweet Baby Girl,

From the moment you entered my life I have loved you.  You are the sweetest most beautiful baby I have ever seen.  When I hold you it is as if your little body just melts into my arms. I will never forget the first time I looked into your eyes, you were not what I expected, you were so much more.  I knew from that moment on I would love you, I would protect you, I would give you a wonderful life, and show you all this beautiful life has to offer.  When they told me what you were going to have to endure at such a young age, my heart was broken, I don’t want you to have to go through any of this.

We have a lot of rough roads ahead of us but I will help you, I will always be there .  I wish I could take this pain from you, I wish it was my heart they had to cut into and not yours, I would take it from you if I could.  You will never be alone I, promise you , I will be there with you every step of the way and I will love you through it all.  You are always going to be my sweet little girl and I want you to know how much you are loved forever and always.

Love Always,


To My Wonderful  Son,

You have always been my little guy, my pal from the moment you were born.  For 6 years it has just been you and me together exploring the world.  You have brought me so much joy in my life, so much fun, so much laughter, you are one funny kid.  You are so bright, so curious and you make me so proud each and every day.  You amaze me with the things you are able to do and accomplish.  You are so full of life and intelligence, so full of compassion and empathy, I am so proud to be your mom. You have always been so well behaved and people have always told me how blessed I am.  You are my dream come true, my first born child and now you are the best big brother a baby girl could ask for.  I admire your ability to have fun and to imagine anything your little mind can create, I often wish I could be more like you.   I wish I could take a look through your eyes for just one day, and see the world in its entire splendor.  You always have a way of lighting up a room when you enter it and making your presence known and I love you for that.  I look forward to seeing you after school and hearing about your day.  I will always be there for you, to love you, to guide you for all the days of my life. You are my sunshine and I will love you for always and a day, my sweet, loving boy.

Love  Always,


Tell your kids you love them, hold them close, make them feel special.  Life is so short, it is full of ups and downs, ins and outs, but take them by the hand and experience it all with them, enjoy your life with them.

When Life Hands You Lemons

When you wake up and feel like the universe is testing you, to see how much crap you can take before self destructing, when you feel like you just can’t win, when you feel like your life has become one big cosmic joke just try to remember that it can always be worse.  There are people in this world that have it so much worse than you do.

Easier said than done, I know, trust me.  When I found out about my daughter’s conditions I blamed God, the universe, anyone and everyone.  I wanted to know why, who would let a little baby have to suffer through all of this?  Why were there people in the world having healthy kids that didn’t even want them or love them and how was all of this fair?  It wasn’t fair, I did everything right, got married first, had a career, had my children.  When I was pregnant I ate what I was supposed to and steered clear of the things you aren’t allowed to eat while pregnant.  I did everything I was supposed to do, so why was I being punished? Then I realized that I was not being punished, my child was a gift that was supposed to teach me something, teach me about life and how to live it, teach me about enjoying the little things and the moment.  I have always been a big picture kind of girl but this little girl in her short 5 weeks of life has taught me to try to enjoy each little thing, each special moment and be present in the moment instead of always thinking of the next thing.

It has been a learning process, don’t get me wrong, you can’t just expect to change your way of thinking in the blink of an eye, but you can just try to be present in your life and don’t just sit on the sidelines. Life is so short, so while you are dwelling on things that annoy you or bother you or things that just do not seem fair, realize this; you are missing out on moments, moments that can make you smile, moments that can make you laugh, moments that in the big picture are the moments you may never get back.  So take those moments and take them in, breathe them, feel them before it is too late.  So as corny as it may sound; when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

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