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As a child summer couldn’t get here quick enough, the time between Easter and Summer vacation felt like an eternity.  I remember that was the time I would get to spend time with my parents,  they both worked so it was hard for them during the work week.  But vacation was the best, we usually spent 4th of July in Hershey Park and another week in July in Disneyworld.  It was awsome and I have some of my most fondest memories of those times.
This is actually the first summer in a long time that I am so excited for, I feel like a kid on Christmas or one in the back seat saying “Are we there yet, how much longer?”  I need this summer,I need to go on vacation, I need to be with my little family, I need to escape the reality of therapies and medical bills for just a little while, I need to feel the warm sun on my face, the sweet smell of the ocean, I need to feel the hustle and bustle of amusement parks, I need it now, more than ever.  There is something about summer vacation that instantly brings you back to the time when your were a child, the anticipation, the excitement, I am feeling all of those feelings now and I have not felt them in a long time.  I decided I am going to make somewhat of a summer bucket list, things I would love to do all summer with the kids and my husband and for myself and I hope that I will at least get to do some of them.
Both my kids are summer babies so it will be lots of celebrations, lots of games and parties, and decorations, just lots of fun. 
I know all the responsibilities of therapies and medical bills will still be here but it will be nice to escape into the sunshine and all the glories of summer even if just for a little while. So sunshine and carefree days I am ready for ya, bring it on.

Birthday Party Planning- Happy Monday

I am in the midst of planning a 1st birthday and a 7th birthday, 2 birthdays, 1 party and a good time to be had by all.  I wanted to do a big party for my daughter’s 1st birthday but my son has been such a great big brother that I want to include him in it as well. So since they both are summer birthdays we will have one big celebration.  We will have so much to be thankful for and so much to celebrate.  It is going to be a circus/carnival theme, so if anyone has any ideas let me know.
I think I have said this before but I love planning kids’ parties, people always say I should do it for a living, we’ll see.  Let the birthday planning begin.


Yearly Inflation Rate 6.5%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 831
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 7.75%
Average Cost of new house $49,300.00
Average Income per year $15,000.00
Average Monthly Rent $240.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 65 cents
BMW 320i $7990.00

I was born on this day in 1977,born 6 weeks early, I wasn’t supposed to thrive, I wasn’t supposed to make it, I wasn’t supposed to live but I guess God had greater plans for me than anyone knew at that time.  Now that I think about it I wonder if it is all really true, are we put here on this earth, born so that we may in turn repay this world with some gift or purpose.  What is my purpose, was it to be a teacher for a short while, was it to be a mother to my son, was it to be a mother to my daughter., a wife to my husband.  They all need me but in different ways.  I always wonder about what is the meaning of my life, why am I on this earth and as I get older I ponder the question more and more. I was an only child, after almost losing me, they didn’t want to try for another one, I guess.
I was painfully quiet and shy and my childhood was pretty lonely most of the time.  As I have grown I have realized that I am who I am and I am probably never going to change but in certain aspects of my life I would like to.  So this being my 35th birthday, I am going to look forward to this new year and whatever life is going to throw at me, I am stronger, and braver than I have ever been in my life and I finally believe that I can do anything that I put my mind to.

34 and 362 days

3 more days until I turn 35 and I realized I don’t even have any plans to do something special, nor do I ever on my birthday, it’s just another day right?  What do you do for your birthday? I have hinted to my husband at least 500 times since I turned 30 that I would love a birthday party( a real party, with decorations, music, dancing, food, cake, lots of people) but it usually never happens, okay well he was going to throw me one last year and I found out about it and told him not to do it. Mostly because it was so last minute, like 1 week before last minute (and I knew noone was going to come so last minute, so I didn’t want to be disappointed when noone showed up), you need months to plan a good party, at least I do when I plan my son’s parties, I have already started planning my daughter’s first birthday. I am thinking 35 is a big year and I have been through sooo much this past year that I deserve to do something fun, since there won’t be a party. But what to do?  Maybe I will go shopping, or get a haircut or out to dinner or all of the above.   I guess every year I have these big plans and big hopes but every year they never happen. I guess birthdays should be just for kids anyway.
Well since my birthday is on Monday I would have to do something this weekend, I most likely will finish organizing my craft space and stay home all weekend taking care of my lovies. I guess it is nice to just dream about doing something I normally wouldn’t do.

Happy Birthday Jen

So my cousin Jen and I grew up together.  We are 11 months apart and did everything together as children, she was and still is the sister I never had and a true friend to me.  Funny thing we realized is that my son and her daughter are also 11 months apart, and the two of them are kindred spirits, from the moment they met they were best of friends.  It is so nice to see our families growing together and to share it all with each other.  So on today December 16, I wish my cousin Jen a most wonderful and happiest of birthdays.  You deserve the best, so I hope you enjoyed your birthday and here’s to many many more.  With much love and admiration, your cousin and friend always.


Talking about all this renewal yesterday, got me to thinking about birthdays.  I have loved celebrating my son’s birthday each year and planning a wonderful birthday party for him.  Now that we have our little girl my mind is full of so many wonderful ideas to start celebrating her birthdays. This year will be the most special of all I think, when we make it through to August and being able to look behind us and say, “I can’t believe we made it.”  That is the day I long for.
I love birthdays and parties, I never really had birthday parties growing up and have always wanted one so I guess that’s why I like to go all out when it is for my children.  I am super crafty, ask anyone. I like to try to make everything and I have so much fun doing it, everyone says I should start my own business, maybe I will someday.
This was D’s first birthday. Yes I made everything and loved every minute of it.


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