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Great Friends and Disney Fun

We had a wonderful 4 day weekend.  We went to Disney World with some great friends from NY and had a blast.  Disney is a great way for us to spend family time together, it is a way for us to unwind, to have lots of fun, have some great food and get A LOT of exercise.

It was so nice seeing our friends and spending time with them and their kiddos.  Fun was definitely had by all.

I will miss them but look forward to our annual meeting in Disney World.


As a child summer couldn’t get here quick enough, the time between Easter and Summer vacation felt like an eternity.  I remember that was the time I would get to spend time with my parents,  they both worked so it was hard for them during the work week.  But vacation was the best, we usually spent 4th of July in Hershey Park and another week in July in Disneyworld.  It was awsome and I have some of my most fondest memories of those times.
This is actually the first summer in a long time that I am so excited for, I feel like a kid on Christmas or one in the back seat saying “Are we there yet, how much longer?”  I need this summer,I need to go on vacation, I need to be with my little family, I need to escape the reality of therapies and medical bills for just a little while, I need to feel the warm sun on my face, the sweet smell of the ocean, I need to feel the hustle and bustle of amusement parks, I need it now, more than ever.  There is something about summer vacation that instantly brings you back to the time when your were a child, the anticipation, the excitement, I am feeling all of those feelings now and I have not felt them in a long time.  I decided I am going to make somewhat of a summer bucket list, things I would love to do all summer with the kids and my husband and for myself and I hope that I will at least get to do some of them.
Both my kids are summer babies so it will be lots of celebrations, lots of games and parties, and decorations, just lots of fun. 
I know all the responsibilities of therapies and medical bills will still be here but it will be nice to escape into the sunshine and all the glories of summer even if just for a little while. So sunshine and carefree days I am ready for ya, bring it on.

Springy Spring

So it is Spring and we are allowed to leave the house, FINALLY.  It has been a very long almost 8 months of being stuck in the house.  So now that she is free to go out, I am afraid to expose her to the world, afraid of the stares from strangers who are ignorant, afraid of the germs out there, afraid of the unknown.  I know that I can’t protect her from everything but I am her mother aren’t at least supposed to try.
So I will take her out and face my fears head on, there will always be germs and there will always be ignorant people, so I guess we will take the good with the bad and live our lives to the fullest.
Happy Spring Everyone!!!!!

10 Years Together

It all started in an internet chat room on AOL 14 years ago.  Then we started chatting on the phone every night for hours.  Then we decided that we should meet face to face. I was attending college in NYC so I planned for us to meet at the Disney Store on 5th Avenue, it was as public as you could get, you can never be too careful in these situations.  I stood there waiting for him and slipped inside the store wanting to chicken out, I thought to myself, “this guy is never going to like me, I should just leave now.”  But I changed my mind and thank goodness I did. We met when I was 21 and have been together ever since. We were engaged in December of 2000.We were married in March 2002 and went to Disney World on our Honeymoon.  We made it to our 10 year anniversary, we have had our many ups and downs, we have overcome some of the hardest obstacles in our 10  years together but we have managed to pull through together. I am so glad that he found me that day on the internet and that we decided to meet.   We have created wonderful memories together and have had a beautiful family.  I don’t know where the road of life is going to take us in the years ahead but I do know that no matter what life throws at us we are going to get through it all, together.  I know that no matter what, I have a partner and a best friend who will always be by my side as we continue this crazy life together. He is the best father I could have ever chosen for my children and a wonderful husband.  I appreciate everything that he does for me and our kids.  Happy 10th Anniversary to my best friend for life.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now

If you could go back to right before you had your baby with Down Syndrome what would you tell yourself?”  It got me thinking about the question what would I tell myself if I knew then what I know now. I would say that something is about to happen to you, to your family, something that you are not prepared for but it is going to be okay, it is going to be fine. A wonderful little girl is about to enter your life and she is going to make it a brighter more loving place to be.  I would tell myself I know you are scared, I know you blame yourself and it is okay to feel these things but know deep down that God chose you to be this little girl’s mommy for a reason, he knows you are strong and loving and will be there for her no matter what. She needs you, she needs your love, she needs your help, she needs you to just love her, love her for who she is not for who she was supposed to be or may never become. I would say she is not what you expected, she is so much more.  She is going to teach you things about life that you took for granted or never understood before.  She is going to teach you how to appreciate life and how to love. I would tell myself that because of this little girl you are going to be a better person, more giving, more caring, more loving.  You are going to be all that you can be all because of her. She is going to be s joy to your family. She is going to make your family stronger.
Don’t be scared she is going to get through the heart surgery and amaze everyone.
She is going to amaze you with how much she can do.  She will do so much more than the experts tell you she will do. I would tell myself that I am stronger than I know and that she is stronger than I can ever imagine and we will all be alright. I would tell myself that you will love this baby girl more than you can possibly imagine.  She will teach you to love better to hug harder and kiss longer.  She is going to change your whole world as you know it and make it even better.  You will appreciate how precious life is.  The road ahead might be scary because there is so much more that is unknown but don’t worry about what you don’t know, just love her and she will love you back.  Enjoy life in this very moment, enjoy each one as they come and cherish them.

    PT and After School Activities

    So my little guy is trying his hardest to find an extra-curricular activity that he will enjoy.  Yesterday we tested out karate, in the car he said to me, mom I am not sure that karate is for me, I didn’t really have too much fun.  So onto the next thing, in search of swimming lessons that do not break the bang because as he put it, “I think swimming is my thing mom.” Okay if you say so,  he was so cute in karate and he did really well for his first try, do I make him do it anyway or just keep trying to find something that fits him.  Hmmm.  Little Miss is doing really well at her PT, getting stronger everyday.


    So we have been lacking in the sleep department lately.  Little Miss has decided that sleep is not an option at 2 am- 6am and really does not feel the need to nap during the day, I think that she believes that she is truly going to miss something super important or monumental. So I have tried the cry it out method, I have tried lying in the room with her, either way she will not nap, I take that back she napped the one day I just let her cry it out but I feel terrible letting her cry but I know that at 7 months old she already knows this.  Why do you ask? Well when I walk into the room as she is “crying” and I use quotes because there are no tears and suddenly she has a big ol goofy grin on her face, so I do see an academy award in her near future, because she totally has her mommy wrapped around her little finger and she knows it.  So what have you done to get your babies to nap or sleep through the night, this tired mama can use some advice.

    Mish mash

    My husband’s mom made him something they called Friday night Mish Mash when he was a kid or something like that, anyway it was a meal with a little of this and a little of that in it.  That is what this post is, a mish mash of all sorts of things .Sorry about the lack of posts lately, I have been so tired.  Little Miss has decided that sleeping through the night is no longer an option, so we have been up at around 3:30am every morning.  I guess it could be worse, she could be getting up several times a night.
    My weight loss is at a stand still, I gave up the gym because I was only getting there once a week if I was lucky the past couple of weeks, so now it is all about the DVD’s at home.  I ordered a new workout system called Turbo Fire, it looks really hard, but I think I can do it if I stick to it and at least I can then do it anytime I want during the day if Little Miss is cooperative or at night when hubby gets home.
    I have moved my craft room from the basement to Little Miss’ room, she is still sleeping in our room so I decided to use the space in her room, for now. I was never able to get down there to work on Scrapbooking and my new project baptism decorations, so now I can work in a nice space with more light and heat, always a bonus.  I will have to post a picture this weekend of my fabulous crafty space.
    Hmm what else do I have to share,  I realized today that I need all new makeup, I probably have been using the same stuff since I was pregnant with Little Miss, I think I am going to go back to using Bare Escentuals it makes my skin look great.  So I will be saving my pennies to get myself some.  I think I will do a post about all of my favorite things, so look for that in the coming days.  So TGIF, hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!!! Please spread the word about my blog for me, get others to follow, thanks.

    7 MONTHS

    7 months old today, and I will say it again, I cannot believe I am sitting here now, remarking on this wonderful day and how truly far we have come.  Sitting in her hospital room watching a machine breathe for her seems like a distant memory yet as if it happened yesterday.  If my being today could talk to me 5 months ago, I would tell myself not to worry, not to fret, not to shed any tears but happy tears, because you are going to be alright, you are all going to be just fine.  There is light and happiness at the end of this gloomy tunnel waiting for you, just be brave, be strong and it will all work out in the end.
    A friend told me while I was in the hospital with my little girl “You are going to look back on this months from now and wonder how the hell you got through it all.”  Well friend today is one of those days, how did I get through it all, how did she get throught it all, how did our family and friends get through it all?”  Strength, strength I never knew I had, bravery I never knew was inside of me.  As I look at her today rolling over on her belly, so alert, so strong I can’t even beleive she is the same baby.  She went from the baby who slept 22 hours a day, to the baby that refuses to take a nap, she went from a baby who hardly ate an ounce of food to eating and drinking all the time and getting excited about it.  She was the baby that never cried and now boy does she let you know, when she’s happy, hungry or just wants to have a chat.
    So to all those moms and dads that are going through what my family and I have gone through, be strong, there is hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to work really hard to get to the end of it, and on the other side waits a beautiful life with a beautiful baby who really just wants to be loved and cherished.

    Noises, and Sounds and Math Oh My

    Ma Ma Ma, Ba Ba Ba, Da Da Da.  These are the sounds that we are trying to get our little girl to start saying.   She does a whole lot of yelling lately and sometimes seems to utter those sounds, but I cannot be quite sure.  As they tell me that we should be hearing more of those sounds from her I start to worry because we are not really hearing them often or at all for that matter.  I keep telling myself that she will do it eventually, she will make those sounds when she is good and ready, but it is still hard waiting and hoping that she will do all the things that she is supposed to.  I do know this the day I hear her call Mommy or Daddy will be the most wonderful day and I can’t wait for it.In other news I have discovered that my son is quite the math whiz, he keeps bringing home fabulous grades and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

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