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The Magic is Endless at Our #DisneyPreschooPlaydate

We are a Disney Family, we love all things Disney and when I say this I really mean it. We even moved to Central Florida just so we could be closer to Walt Disney World, okay there were a few more reasons, but it was one of the top 3.  You can imagine my family’s excitement when we were chosen to host a Disney Preschool Playdate and partner with Disney and Mom Select. We were sent some wonderful products from Disney, American Tourister, Soft Soap, Pillow Pets, HP and Popsecret all to use at our party.

My wheels started spinning so of course what do you do when you need some Disney inspiration?  You go right to the source of course.  So off we went to Disney World to enjoy a day at Magic Kingdom where the magic truly is endless.


My daughter is 5 and has Down syndrome and my son who is 11 has Tourette’s Syndrome.  When we go to Disney we escape all our hardships, all the medical things, all the everyday stresses and we just escape into the magic.

It’s the smell of the cotton candy lingering in the air, the sight of all the mickey balloons floating above, the sounds of laughter and music and the feeling of true magic that help us to feel like we have escaped even for just a few hours.  We are a family at Disney, and nothing else in the world matters for that moment in time.

Leaving the park gave me the inspiration I needed to host a great party.   I decided to stick with the Mickey theme because after all it did all start with a mouse.  From the decorations, to the crafts, to the snacks, my inspiration was Mickey and his pals.  My daughter absolutely adores Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney Junior and my son loved it when he was her age.


I stuck with the classic Mickey colors of black, red and yellow.  I used printables for invitations and signs from Frugal Coupon Living Catch My Party

We have lots of Disney friends and toys in our house so we used all the things we had along with all the things sent to us to create a magical Disney party.  Instead of playing games at our party we actually went to Epcot later that evening to look for some hidden Mickey’s using the cards that were sent to us. We had so much fun.  We had the hidden Mickey game a little easier for my daughter because she is special needs. She just had to look for Mickey anywhere she saw him and we filled in the Mickey head for her.

I want to thank Walt Disney World and Mom Select for providing My Hands and Heart are Full with this wonderful opportunity. It was so much fun. Disney is a part of our lives and always will be.  It was fun to show everyone our #Disneyside and bring the magic home from the parks and throw a super fun Disney party. We love the Walt Disney World Resort where the magic is endless, especially for our family.

Check out a video of the party on my Youtube Channel.













Being a Mom to a child with Down Syndrome

Beth and Leah

There are things you just don’t talk about as a mother of a child with Down Syndrome.  There are things you just don’t say out loud.  People think I am strong, people think I was chosen to be her mother, people think that I do a great job at being her mom.  But there is a truth that no-one knows, an underlying layer that is waiting to be exposed into the cool air.  But I can’t say it, I can’t show it, I can’t be vulnerable, I won’t be.  There are things that you just don’t get, things that you just don’t know.
Most days are good, most days are great but there are days when I cry, I cry so hard it hurts to breathe,  I cry until my eyes are red and swollen, I cry until there are no tears left to cry.

You wouldn’t know that I worry all the time.  I don’t sleep most nights, because I lie awake worrying. Worrying about what is going to happen to her when I am gone.  I worry about who she will become, will she have a job, will she meet a boy, will she fall in love, will she get married, will I ever have a conversation with her? These questions just race through my mind all night long.

You would never know that I continually doubt myself and everything I do. I should do this, I should have done that.  It’s my fault she’s not doing x, y or z.  If only I had done this. Maybe I should do this or try that.  It is a constant battle in my mind.

You would never understand that I just need friends.  Friends who can help me escape my world for just a bit, friends who can make me laugh and smile.  I need friends who understand, I need friends who will call me or text me because the likelihood of me calling or texting is very slim although I do try. My time is consumed by all this special needs. It makes me so happy when my friends accept my daughter and treat her like a little girl because that is what she is.

You would never understand that I need to control the environment we are in or going to.  Loud noises, a lot of people in a small space can and will scare my daughter.

You would never understand that I need my family, all of them, near and far.  Most of them unfortunately have turned their backs on me since having my daughter which is very sad and heartbreaking. I need family more than ever now.

You would never know how much little things mean to me, the fact that my child has said a 2 or 3 word sentence is like she climbed Mt.  Everest.

You will never know how much it hurts me when you ask if I will ever go back to work, or if I am going to “do something to make money”  or when people tell me what other people are doing for a living. I loved teaching, I miss teaching but this is my job, it will always be my job.

You may never understand that I am never going to ask for help, ever.  It isn’t me to begin with but it certainly isn’t who I am now.

You will never understand that I just want to feel normal, a normal mom, a normal family, I want to just live my life with my husband and wonderful kids and be happy.

Speaking of being happy, you will never understand the pure joy and happiness my little princess gives me everyday.  She has a genuine happy personality, she doesn’t judge, she just loves unconditionally.  She can make you smile ear to ear and make you laugh until you cry on most days.  I am lucky to be a part of her life, lucky to be the one she calls mom.  Though my life isn’t “normal” or perfect.  I love each moment, the good and the bad and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Bestest, Friendliest Friend

I can spread kindness, a smile, thoughtfulness, friendship like peanut butter on a cracker. But ya know what today I am all out of peanut butter, “Damn it!!”   I am a great friend, the bestest friend you will ever have in your entire life.   I am loyal, I am trustworthy, I am a great listener, I am thoughtful, I am all the things you dream of in a friend.   You know when you sit down and think to yourself, I wish I had a friend who thought of me on my birthday, on holidays, who would run over if I needed anything, be a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, someone to laugh with, hang out with, be goofy with, you name it.   Where is that kind of friend?  Well I am your girl!!! Only most people seem to overlook all of my friendliest friend qualities and not even give me a chance.

I should have told you,  that before I can be your BFF you have to earn my trust, sorry it’s just the way I am, been hurt too many times by too many people. I at first will come across as shy, most people think that I am a bitch, but really that isn’t the case, well sometimes maybe, but for good reason.   If you engage me and talk to me and if I don’t feel like I am being judged, that’s it you’ve cracked the code.   I will talk until your ear falls off, I will listen.

I only wish I could get passed the bitch part ya know?  I think that I suffer with wanting people to like me and accept me syndrome. I always give people the benefit of the doubt and accept them but never seem to get the same in return.  So back to my peanut butter analogy back there.  I am all out.  I am all out of being the friend everyone wants, the friend everyone deserves.  It seems like I only hear from certain friends when they want or need something.

With Facebook I am able to see everyone writing about their friends, their bff’s, their bae’s?????? What the hell is a bae, by the way???? I haven’t a clue.   I have kept a friend I have had since kindergarten who now I only get to see once a year which is sad but I am thankful that I have her even if it is every 365 days.  I have a cousin who I consider my friend. I have met some great friends here in Florida, lifetime friends I believe. But because I have been hurt so many times by people I have a hard time really connecting with and trusting people, but I am working on it.

This friend stuff was hard when I was a kid but it is even harder now.  But I am happy to say that I have learned to let my guard down and I have made some of the best friends I have ever had, here in sunshiny Florida.

Dear Lady Who Fat Shamed Me

To the lady who fat shamed me on vacation with my husband and my children.  You are UGLY.  Now when I say UGLY, I don’ t mean ugly like you would mean ugly. I mean UGLY on the inside.  You are a mean, horrible, ugly person on the inside, which I believe is much worse than being ugly on the outside. So you might want to go on a spiritual kind of diet, learn to be kind, learn to be happy with yourself, learn not to judge people. 

Now I am well aware that I have some weight to lose, believe me I got it, I do own a mirror.  But just like you I was on vacation with my husband and my kids minding my own business and there you were fit as a fiddle in your short dress and sandals.  If you didn’t open your mouth I would have thought you were quite pretty, that your family looked so happy and nice. But nope you opened your trap and your ugly spilled out.  You looked right in my face and said “If I ever get cellulite like that, I will kill myself.” “Some people should not wear shorts!” Wait, what????? Did you really just say what I think you said?
I felt like I was being stabbed, I felt like the little fat kid again being teased in Grammar School.  I am ashamed to say that I let your ugly words ruin my day.  We had plans to go in the pool at our hotel and that didn’t happen because I let your words define me.  I let your words mean something to me, when really they should have meant nothing. When I should have known that what you think about me, has nothing to do with me but everything to do with you.  I am embarrassed that I let your words cause me to miss swimming in the pool with my son.  I am ashamed not of my cellulite but that I let someone’s unkindness make me feel like less of a person, less of a mother, less of a wife.  I am sad that I missed making memories with my family because you are so unhappy in your own life that you have to make someone else feel bad about themselves,  to make yourself feel better.  You obviously are very high maintance with your designer sundress, designer shoes, and lets not forget the designer watch and purse. You obviously took way too long in front of the mirror.  
It was very hot out which is why I had shorts on and I don’t often wear shorts because you see the flaws that you pointed out are exactly the flaws I see in myself, the very flaws that I am self conscious about.  So it is a rare occassion that I wear shorts. But I was having so much fun with my family, making a conscious effort to show up in pictures with my kids and not caring what anyone thought.   Then you showed up thinking I couldn’t hear you because apparently if you are fat you are also deaf.
This is not the first time that I have dealt with people belittling me because of my weight, it happened all the time as a child by my own family members and friends.  So this is not my first rodeo as they say. I have dealt with people and their views of how I should look for a long time and I am tired of it. You know that saying, you know the one your mother should have taught you but didn’t.  “If you don’t have anything nice to say than don’t say anything at all.”
This happened this past summer and it has taken me this long to put it out there. It was hurtful and embarrassing.  But I learned that her opinion of me is of no value to me whatsoever.  I have so many things in my life to be happy about and thankful for.   I am working on my physical self and I hope to look as good in a dress one day as she did  but I know that my inner self, my kindness, my happieness, my joy is in tip top shape which is more than I can say for some people.
I wanted to make a video about it, but I can express my feelings better when I write. 
Check out my youtube channel

Tour Guide on a Trip to A Fabulous Life

It’s World Down Syndrome Day today and I have a  few years (almost) 4 of exploring this syndrome. I look back at when my daughter was first born and boy did I not have a clue, not a single one.  Down Syndrome is not the ideas or statistics that all the specialists and doctors throw at you as you hold your baby in your arms. It’s not the heart defects, the low muscle tone, the developmental delays, don’t get me wrong it’s part of it but it’s not all of it.   I know that there are moms out there who are holding your baby for the first time who have just been given the news that your baby has an extra chromosome.  I wish I could be there next to each one of you, to give you a big hug to tell you that it’s going to be okay.   I want to tell you that your baby needs you just like any other baby, that your child is going to do so much.  I would tell you that she may not walk when other kids do but she will and when she does, there will be no holding her back.  She may not talk when other kids talk and guess what that’s okay too because eventually she will and she will have lots and lots to say.                                There are so many lessons that your little one is going to teach you, so get your pencils ready.  I don’t know what your little one has in store for you but I can tell you from my own experience that Leah has taught me the meaning of true-unconditional love.  She has taught me patience.  She has taught me to trust, to love, to understand and to hope.  She has shown me that there is good in most people, she has taught me to smile, to care, to speak up.  I could go on and on about all the things I have learned in the past 3.5 years.  Just know that this is not a death sentence, this is not the end of your life, this is the beginning.  You will explore parts of your life and world and heart that you never knew existed.  So love and trust in your little one that it is going to be an adventurous trip but one so worth taking with a fabulous tour guide.

38 things I Learned On My 38th Birthday

I am 38 years old today. 38 years and there are many things that I still haven’t figured out, like how to be in the best shape of my life, or what it’s like to live in my own home, or what it’s like to be debt free.  But I am getting there, slowly but surely I am getting there.  There are some things that I have learned though and I thought I would share 38 of them in honor of my 38th birthday.                              1. True and dear friends are very hard to come by if you have them, cherish them, spend time with them.                                                                                                                                                           2.You can’t change anyone but you so get to changing.                                                                                     3. I don’t regret the things I have done, but I do regret the things I haven’t done, like have fun, I have always been well for lack of a better word a stick in the mud.                                                                 4. I spent way too much time in my life worrying about what people thought of me.  In the words of my cousin, (who gives a flying f&#@) what anyone thinks.                                                                     5. When it comes to shoes ALWAYS GO FOR COMFORT, you’re welcome.                                                    6. Always trust your gut, ALWAYS.                                                                                                          7. Even if I think that I am right it doesn’t mean that I am, I mean 99.9% of the time I am right but that .1% I could be wrong.                                                                                                                          8. Be me, no one else is me, and I am a great person to be.                                                                         9. Keep negative people and unkind people out of your life.                                                                  10. You can’t avoid offending people sometimes, if you are wrong, apologize, it’s all you can do.         11. Count my blessings, I truly have so much to be thankful for.                                                            12. Be fair, honest, trustworthy and generous.                                                                                         13. Don’t hold grudges, it’s really not worth your time or energy.                                                            14. Learn to take a hint,                                                                                                                                 15. Forgive and forget                                                                                                                               16. My parents will always have my back no matter what.                                                                           17. The older I get the less drama I am willing to put up with.                                                                      18. Say what you mean and mean what you say                                                                                       19. Be considerate of others                                                                                                                            20. Do things out of your comfort zone (I am still working on this……baby steps)                                         21.Surround yourself with people who love you and support you, the ones who want to tear you down are not worth it.                                                                                                                                               22. Laugh                                                                                                                                                        23. Kisses and hugs from hubby and my kids are the best                                                                             24. Take lots of pictures and videos                                                                                                          25. I have everything I need to be happy.                                                                                                      26. The only important things in life are the little things- enjoy them all.                                                      27.  It will all be okay eventually.                                                                                                                   28. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.                                                                                                                       29. Put effort into yourself.                                                                                                                                       30. Disney isn’t just for kids……true story.                                                                                                     31. This too shall pass                                                                                                                                      32.Change is good, really.                                                                                                                               33. You will never please everyone                                                                                                                34. Focus more on the NOW. (still working on this)                                                                                35.Don’t be so serious all the time (have a little fun once in a while) see #3 for stick in the mud reference.                                                                                                                                                       36.Be someone who makes other people feel special.                                                                                    37. Stop explaining myself to people- if they don’t like your choices screw em.                                             38. Do the things you love                                                                                                                              Like I said I am still learning how to implement a lot of these things in my life but in 2015 I am definitely going to try to have more fun.                                                                                                                                                    

I’m Baaaaaaack

New Year, new hopes, new aspirations, new goals, you know the drill.  So I have really let this blog go in the past few months and I don’t want to do that anymore.  I want to try and make it a priority.  So I have decided to commit to posting once a week.  The post will be my week in review basically and I will add other posts if things come up.  I want to get back into the swing of things and get this blog going again.  So stay tuned and I will be back in action on My Hands and Heart are Full.  Thanks for reading and for your support and I look forward to getting back into the groove of writing again.

Biggest Pet Peeves

1. People who don’t give up their seats for old, pregnant or women with kids.
2. People who lie
3. People who are full of themselves
4. People who think they are entitled
5. Poor grammar
6. Loud chewing
7. When people use the word literally all the time and incorrectly
8. Women who do not clean up after themselves in a public restroom
9. Negativity
10. People who do not cover their mouths to cough or sneeze

Current Songs I am Loving

1. Shake It Off – Taylor Swift
2. All about that Bass- Megan Trainor
3. Welcome to NY – Taylor Swift
4. Something in the Water- Carrie Underwood
5. All of Me – John Legend
6. A Thousand Years- Katy Perry
7. Frozen Album
8. Chandelier- Sia
9. Rude- Magic
10. Already Home- A Great Big World

How to Win My Heart

  1. Make me laugh.
  2. Engage me in conversation about something you’re passionate about or something I’m passionate about.
  3. Do fun things with me
  4. Be silly and adventurous with me.
  5. Learn new things with me
  6. Encourage my dreams.
  7. Challenge me intellectually and physically.
  8. Take care of me. 
  9. Make me feel important to you!
  10. Do romantic things for me.
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