Self-Sabotage After Weight Loss Surgery

Hello there, dear readers. Today, we’re going to tackle a rather sensitive yet incredibly important topic that many of us might have faced or are currently dealing with – self-sabotage after weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery is a significant step towards a healthier and happier life. It’s a commitment to change, a promise to treat your body better. But what happens when old habits creep back in? What happens when you find yourself slipping back into the very patterns you fought so hard to break free from? This is what we call self-sabotage.

What is Self-Sabotage?

Self-sabotage is when we actively or passively take steps to prevent ourselves from reaching our goals. After weight loss surgery, this could manifest in various ways, like skipping exercise, overeating, or indulging in unhealthy food choices. It’s a tricky pitfall, as it often stems from deep-seated fears and insecurities.

Why Do We Self-Sabotage?

The reasons behind self-sabotage are complex and personal. It could be fear of failure, fear of success, or even feelings of unworthiness. For some, their weight may have served as a form of armor or an excuse for not pursuing certain opportunities. Losing this ‘shield’ can be quite daunting and can lead to self-sabotage.

How Can We Overcome Self-Sabotage?

Now, let’s discuss the more hopeful part – overcoming self-sabotage. Remember, it’s not about perfection, but progress. Here are some strategies:

1. Recognize the Patterns: The first step is to acknowledge that you’re sabotaging yourself. Notice the patterns, triggers, and situations that lead you to make poor choices.

2. Seek Professional Help: Therapists and counselors can provide techniques and coping mechanisms to deal with self-sabotage. They can help you understand the root of your behaviors and guide you towards positive change.

3. Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. You’re going through a significant life change. It’s okay to stumble. What matters is that you pick yourself up, forgive yourself, and keep moving forward.

4. Set Realistic Goals: Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and eventual self-sabotage. Make sure your goals are achievable and broken down into smaller tasks.

5. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you. This could be family, friends, or even online communities of people who have been through similar experiences.

Weight loss surgery is just the beginning of your journey towards a healthier life. It’s not always going to be a smooth ride, but remember, the destination is well worth the journey. Overcoming self-sabotage isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Believe in yourself and your ability to change, because you are stronger than you think.

Until next time, dear readers, remember to take care of yourselves and each other.

Self-Sabotage After Weight Loss Surgery

Top 7 Tips for a Smooth Recovery from Bariatric Surgery

Discover essential bariatric surgery recovery tips for women 2023. This comprehensive guide helps you navigate through the post-operative period with ease, ensuring a smooth and comfortable recovery journey

Hello! Whether you’re 20 or 65, the decision to undergo bariatric surgery is a significant one. It’s a life-changing step towards improved health and vitality. But let’s not sugarcoat it – the recovery process can be a bit challenging. However, with the right preparation and care, you can ensure a comfortable and smooth recovery. Here are some tried-and-true tips to help you on your journey.

1. Understand Your Procedure

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand your procedure thoroughly. Spend time with your doctor discussing the surgery, its risks, benefits, and the expected recovery timeline. Knowing what to expect can significantly reduce anxiety and help you prepare both mentally and physically.

2. Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions for pre and post-operative care. These may include dietary restrictions, medications, activity levels, and follow-up appointments. Stick to these guidelines religiously. They are designed to ensure your safety and speed up your recovery.

3. Stay HydratedHydration is crucial after any surgery, and bariatric surgery is no exception. Drinking enough water can help to prevent dehydration, constipation, and kidney stones, common post-surgery complications. Aim to sip small amounts of water throughout the day rather than drinking large quantities at once.

4. Adopt a Healthy Diet

After surgery, your stomach can only tolerate small amounts of food. You’ll need to adopt a diet that is high in protein but low in sugar, fat, and calories. This will help you lose weight safely while also aiding in healing and energy recovery.

5. Get Moving

While rest is important, so is gentle exercise. As soon as your doctor gives the green light, start with short walks. Walking can help to prevent blood clots, improve digestion, and enhance your mood. Gradually increase your activity level as your strength returns.

6. Lean on Your Support Network

Never underestimate the power of emotional support during recovery. Reach out to friends, family, or a support group who understand what you’re going through. They can provide a listening ear, a helping hand, or just some company when you need it.

7. Listen to Your Body

Last but not least, listen to your body. Everyone’s recovery journey is unique, so don’t compare yours with others. If you feel something isn’t right, reach out to your healthcare provider immediately.Remember, ladies, bariatric surgery is not an end but a new beginning. It’s a journey towards a healthier, happier you. With patience, perseverance, and these tips in mind, you’ll navigate your recovery like a pro.

Here’s to your health and well-being!

From Struggle to Success: My Journey of Losing 100 lbs with Weight Loss Surgery

Introduction: Losing weight can be an uphill battle for many individuals, especially when faced with numerous failed attempts and constant frustration. But what if there was a solution that could change your life and help you shed those unwanted pounds? In this blog post, I want to share my personal journey of losing 100 lbs through weight loss surgery, highlighting the challenges, triumphs, and the impact it had on my overall well-being.

The Breaking Point: Like many people struggling with obesity, I reached a breaking point in my life. The physical and emotional toll of carrying excess weight had become overwhelming. After trying various diets and exercise regimens without sustainable success, I knew I needed a more drastic approach. That’s when I started exploring weight loss surgery as a potential solution.

Researching and Decision Making: Deciding to undergo weight loss surgery is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful research, consultations with medical professionals, and understanding the risks and benefits involved. I consulted with a bariatric surgeon, who guided me through the different surgical options available and helped me choose the one most suitable for my specific needs.

Preparing for the Journey: Before the surgery, I had to make significant lifestyle changes to prepare both physically and mentally. This included following a specific diet, engaging in regular exercise, and attending counseling sessions to address any underlying emotional factors contributing to my weight gain. The pre-surgery period was challenging, but it was necessary to ensure a successful outcome.

The Surgical Procedure: Undergoing weight loss surgery was a major milestone in my journey. The procedure itself was performed by a skilled surgical team in a hospital setting. Depending on the type of surgery chosen, it involved reducing the size of my stomach or rerouting the digestive system to limit food intake and nutrient absorption. The surgery was carried out using minimally invasive techniques, which ensured a faster recovery with less scarring.

The Road to Recovery: Post-surgery, the road to recovery was not without its hurdles. In the initial weeks, I had to follow a strict diet plan, gradually introducing solid foods back into my routine. I also experienced physical and emotional adjustments as my body adapted to the changes. Regular follow-up appointments with my medical team provided ongoing support and guidance throughout the recovery process.

The Transformation: As the weeks turned into months, I started noticing significant changes in my body. The pounds were dropping off, and I began to feel healthier and more energetic. Losing 100 lbs not only improved my physical appearance but also boosted my self-confidence and overall well-being. Everyday activities that were once challenging became easier, and I gained a new lease on life.

Maintenance and Ongoing Support: Weight loss surgery is not a magic fix. It requires long-term commitment and dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I continue to work closely with my medical team, attending regular check-ups and monitoring my progress. Adopting healthy eating habits, engaging in regular exercise, and seeking support from friends, family, and support groups have been crucial elements in sustaining my weight loss success.

Conclusion: Losing 100 lbs through weight loss surgery has been a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally. It has given me a fresh start and allowed me to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life. If you are considering weight loss surgery, I encourage you to consult with medical professionals, do your research, and understand the lifelong commitment it entails. Remember, with the right mindset, support, and dedication, you too can embark on a successful weight loss journey and achieve incredible results.


Introducing the Joys of Summer
Summer is a time for fun, and there are many ways you can introduce your children to the joys of summer.
First, it’s important that you explain why summer is so special. This will help them understand why they should make the most of this season by exploring new things and learning new skills.

Embracing the Reality of Summer
Summer is a time of year that can be both exciting and overwhelming. It’s the perfect opportunity to make the most of your kids’ summer break, but it can also be easy to get caught up in all the fun things they want to do and forget about yourself.
Here are some tips on how you can embrace the reality of summer:

Acknowledge that you will feel overwhelmed at times during this season and take steps to prevent yourself from getting burned out.
Understand that it’s okay for your kids if they don’t have every minute planned out with activities or outings; sometimes all they need is some time spent together doing nothing at all!

Creating a Summer Bucket List

Summer is the perfect time to create a bucket list of activities and experiences you want to share with your children. Here are some ideas:

-Go swimming in the ocean, lake or pool
-Play at the park (or even just sit on a bench)
-Make sandcastles together
-Have a picnic in the park or backyard, with food that’s special for each person (for example, if one child loves peanut butter sandwiches and another doesn’t like them at all).

Making Summer a Magical Experience
Summer is a great time to take advantage of all that the season has to offer. From picnics in the park, to playing with friends and family on the beach, summer can be an amazing experience for kids. But it’s important not only for kids but also for parents as well!
The best way for you as a parent or guardian is to make sure that your child has fun and memorable moments during this time of year. You want them to have positive memories from their childhood summers so they won’t forget those times when they grow up and become adults themselves one day soon enough!
Another thing I would recommend doing is taking some time off from work yourself while they’re out there having fun without us around 24/7 every single day (or even just once every few months). This will allow us both space away from each other so neither party gets too tired out by spending too much time together all year long – which means less fights between us later down road when things get stressful because everyone needs something different sometimes depending upon what stage life happens at next.”

Exploring the Outdoors
Summer is the perfect time to explore the outdoors. Whether you’re looking for a place to go on your own or want to take your kids on an adventure, there are plenty of options.

The importance of nature: Kids need time in nature because it helps them develop physically and mentally. Nature provides children with opportunities for physical activity and social interaction, which can help develop their motor skills and social skills (like sharing). It also teaches them about their environment, such as how plants grow or how animals behave in different environments around them.

Vacation and Travel
Planning a vacation or travel
The summer is a great time to get out of town and explore new places. Whether you’re planning an overnight trip, or something that will take longer than that, there are many ways to make memories with your children. You can take them on excursions around town or even just go visit family members who live nearby. If you have more time available than money, consider staying in one place for several days so that everyone has plenty of opportunity to experience different things within the same general area.
As far as activities go: hiking trails offer opportunities for exercise and exploration; museums provide exposure to artworks from around the world; parks provide space where kids can run around freely without worrying about cars passing by on busy streets (or other dangers). There are also options such as swimming pools where parents can relax while keeping an eye on their children at all times!

Indoor Activities
Indoor activities are a great way to enjoy the summer with your children, especially if you live in a climate that’s not conducive to outdoor play. Here are some ideas:

Play dress-up! You can find costumes at thrift stores or buy them new from Amazon. If your kids are younger than 5 years old, consider getting them costumes that match their favorite characters from movies or TV shows (think Elsa and Anna from Frozen). If they’re older than 5 years old, try getting them something more unusual like Harry Potter robes or superhero capes–or even just plain old clothes that no one else has seen before!
Have an indoor picnic! This is another activity where it helps if you have some money on hand because picnics usually require food and drinks (and sometimes even utensils). If this isn’t possible right now due to financial reasons then try making “picnic baskets” instead–just pack everything up into plastic bags so it doesn’t get messy! It will still feel like an outdoor experience without having spent any money at all!

Making the Most of Summer
The summer is a great time to spend quality time with your children. There are so many things you can do together, from going on hikes in the woods to swimming at the beach. Here are some ideas for activities and experiences that will help make this summer one they won’t forget:

Take them on an adventure! Go camping or visit a national park where there are lots of animals to see (and maybe even touch).
Plan a picnic in your backyard or nearby park–it’s always fun when you can eat outside!
Have an ice cream party where everyone gets their favorite flavor and toppings on their own cone or cupcake. You’ll have fun making sundaes together too!

Making Memories Last
Summer is a great time to make memories that last. As children grow up, they’ll look back on their summers and remember the fun times you shared together.
It’s important to capture those moments in photos and videos so you can share them with your child later on in life. You don’t have to be an expert photographer or videographer; just take some time out of each day during summer break and record what’s going on around you. Your kids may not realize how much they love their childhood until they see old photos from years past!
Here are some ideas for activities and experiences:

Enjoying the Little Things
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the little things. It’s a season of abundance, and children should be encouraged to appreciate it. Here are some ideas for activities and experiences that will help your kids make the most of summer:

Go on walks together in nature, looking at flowers and insects, noticing how they change over time.
Take them swimming in a lake or pool (if you’re lucky enough to live near one).
Have picnics at home or in parks with friends–you can even make your own sandwiches!


  1. “Embracing the Midlife Transition”
  2. “How to Navigate a Career Change During Midlife”
  3. “Mental Health Tips for Midlifers”
  4. “Midlife Wisdom: Life Lessons Learned Along the Way”
  5. “Reconnecting with Your Passion After Midlife”
  6. “Finding Balance in a Busy Life During Midlife”
  7. “Midlife Millionaire: Investing Smart in Later Years”
  8. “Travelling Through Midlife: Exploring New Destinations”
  9. “Reinventing Yourself at Midlife and Beyond”
  10. “Rediscovering Your Creative Side During Mid-Life Years”


Being the daughter of a narcissistic mother can be both a heartbreaking and life-altering experience. Narcissistic mothers have an inflated sense of their own importance, are excessively critical, and lack empathy for their children. As the child of a narcissistic mother, you may have faced various difficulties in your life, from difficulty forming relationships to feeling as if your self-worth is always on a tightrope. In this blog post, we will explore what it’s like to be the daughter of a narcissistic mother and provide some insight into how to cope with such difficult upbringing.

First off, it’s important to recognize that the behavior of your narcissistic parent is not your fault. You did not cause these issues; they are rooted within their own disorder. Secondly, it’s essential to acknowledge that living with a narcissistic mother can be an emotionally exhausting experience. Your feelings of guilt, shame and inadequacy may linger even after you’ve been away from them for many years. This guilt can lead to heightened anxiety and depression.

It’s important to remember that having a narcissist in your life doesn’t dictate who you can choose to become—you don’t have to follow in their footsteps or become like them no matter how hard they try to shape you into their ideal image. To break free from this dynamic, try surrounding yourself with supportive friends or family members who will help raise your self-esteem and encourage healthy boundaries with your parent so they won’t take advantage of you any more than they already do.

In conclusion, being the daughter of a narcissistic mother can be complicated and difficult but understanding why they act the way they do and accepting it will get rid of any expectations that could harm oneself in the long run. Additionally reaching out for help when needed is important for emotional wellbeing as well as providing guidance on how one should react when confronted by toxic people such as narcissists.


I am starting here because well, there seems to be no better place to start.  I am a 45-year-old mother of 2.  45?  How the hell did that happen?  Anyway, I have a 10-year-old daughter with Down syndrome and a 16-year-old daughter who is transgender.   I have been married for 20 years to my best friend and I have a handful of very dear friends. 

As for me, well I am Elizabeth (Beth for short) I am an only child, my mother died in 2020 and my father lives with me and my family.  I had always been fat, a fat kid, fat teenager and a fat adult.  Trying every single diet program known to man from Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers and everything in between.  The diets would work for a bit and then I’d gain it all back and then some.  I have had a lot of things happen to me traumatic things, if I am being honest. My marriage was not perfect, and we struggled in the beginning.  Fast forward to having my daughter in 2011, born with Down syndrome and needed open heart surgery by the time she was 3 months old. I feel like the first 2 years of her life I was numb, and I really packed on the pounds. I ate to shove all the feelings of grief and heartbreak down.  I grieved the baby girl I thought I was going to have and was aching inside for this tiny, fragile baby that I was given.  My weight climbed to the highest it had ever been.  285 lbs.  As the years went by, I tried so many things to get the weight off and I was losing a little.  I got down to 266 but shortly after that my mom died and the weight started to creep back on.  

It was in 2021 that I decided to get Gastric Sleeve surgery.  I had been researching it for a year or so and finally decided this was it, it was now or never

I started at 284 lbs. and today I weigh 196 lbs.  I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am on the right path.  
I hope that this blog helps just one person.  I hope you know that you are not alone. I am here and I have walked this road many times. Join me on my journey and we can learn together.  

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Saved My Life

I have been fat since as far back as I can remember, probably 4 or 5. I have struggled my whole life with my weight and finally got fed up enough to do something about it. I am 44 years old, a special needs mom and someone who craves to be more in my life. While I seemed happy to others, I was living my life on the sidelines and not truly enjoying my life. I was so tired all the time, I could barely walk up the stairs with out losing my breath. I wanted to live and live to my full potential. I wanted to do things, to have fun and to learn how to do things. I wanted to feel good and if I am being honest look good too.

So I signed myself up to see a bariatric doctor in Orlando and the rest is history. I had the Gastric Sleeve on July 8, 2021. I am down 50 lbs and couldn’t be more thrilled. I am on the road to the life I have always dreamed of and it was with the help of this tool. i had thought about surgery for years but thought that was for other people, not me. But after further research I realized that it was for me, and I am so sorry that I didn’t do it years ago. It has given me my life back, it has given me more confidence. I look better and more importantly feel better.

How to Potty Train Your Special Needs Child

I know what your thinking. I can’t do this. I don’t care if she wears diapers until she’s 18. How can I get her to do what she needs to do in the potty? How do I do this? Where do I begin? I would rather have root-canal than Potty train my special needs kid. Why do I know what you are thinking? I have a daughter with Down syndrome who is 7 and we just got her potty trained and all of those thoughts ran through my head before and during potty training. But if you stick with me here and follow these steps you too will be on the other side of the lurking doom of potty training your special needs kid.

Before you begin you are going to need a few things, here is what worked for us. You do what works for you and your child.

My daughter loves to look at herself so I bought a full length mirror on amazon and put it smack in front of the toilet.

Next up we purchased a Baby Alive doll that pees on the potty, so she could actually see where the pee goes. I told you whatever works here folks. It’s survival mode you have to do whatever works.

Simplicity is key here, no fluff no fuss, just plain and simple. Keep your phrases to the following (oh and accompany with pictures if your kid is non-verbal).

A) Pee

B) Poop

C) Pee & Poop go in the potty

D) No Pee or Poop on the floor

E) Where do Pee and Poop go?

F) Flush

G) Wash hands


Ok, I know, I know, the thought of puddles of pee and piles of poop all over your home can be daunting and you may be tempted to put the pull ups back on. DON’T DO IT! Trust me you will thank me. Once you put on the undies there is NO LOOKING BACK!

There will be accidents, lots of accidents. No really lots of accidents. Lots of disgusting, smelly accidents. It’s going to be hard, really really hard.


When she pees everywhere and your home starts smelling like a gas station bathroom, you are going to be upset. Don’t let her see you sweat! You need to be freaking Mary Poppins while wiping up pee and crap off the floor.

7 TIMES METHOD (or whatever the heck it’s called) Here’s where it gets super fun, no not really, just trying to make you feel better. So here we go. When she has an accident on the floor you must walk her back and forth from accident and say “No pee on the floor.” to the potty and say “Where does the pee go?” SEVEN TIMES. Yes you read that right, I said 7 times. You are probably thinking that’s crazy and you’d be right. It is crazy, crazy enough to actually work. It freaking works but it is also EXHAUSTING!


This accomplishment is a really big deal, so make it a really big deal. For us rewards looked like this…

Every time she went on the potty, she got Cheerios, no seriously Cheerios. Hey we tried M & M’s and it didn’t work but Cheerios. Girlfriend would move mountains for some Cheerios. Why? I’m not really sure but you gotta do what works and this worked. Also she LOVES Peppa Pig, so when we finally reached the end where we felt she got it, she got the biggest Peppa Pig House I could find.

Let’s back up for a minute! While she is peeing and pooping in the potty you need to make it seem like it is the greatest thing she’s EVER done. I’m talking songs, cheers, dancing. Let me give you an example. We decided to test out the training because family was in town and we had been in the house for. 4 weeks. So we went to Disney and put a pull up on her just in case, I know I said no pull-ups put hey I was going stir crazy and needed to get out of the house. Seriously 4 weeks in the house, 4 WEEKS! Anyhoo, we got to Disney and for the first time she said “Potty time” and I was like “You have to go Potty?” And she said “YES!” So we ran to the nearest bathroom, pulled down her pull-up (which was dry by the way) and she peed on the toilet. I swear to you I heard angels singing. When she was done and we exited the stall we had the biggest dance party right there in a bathroom in Disney. People were looking at us like we were bonkers. Did I care? NOPE! I wanted to shout on top of my lungs, “My kid just told me she had to pee on the potty, and she peed on the potty.” I made a huge deal and let her pick out a stuffed animal before we left. This was HUGE and she needed to know it was huge.

So here we are 8 weeks later and she is completely potty trained, in total it took about 4 weeks. You must be strong and follow through and you will make it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel I promise you.




Stand up for yourself– people will treat you poorly in life, try to put you down, try to make you feel as bad as they do! DON’T let them!


Be kind-a kind heart will get you far in this one life! Remember no one is beneath you! You are not better than someone be just as kind to a janitor as you would be to the president! We are all human!


Have fun-Don’t waste life being serious all the time! While there is certainly a time to be serious, there is also time to let loose and have fun! Enjoy every moment!


Take chances– the most successful people didn’t get where they are without taking a chance! Sometimes in life you just have to take a leap and hope you land safely, knowing fully that you could fail!


Love yourself-there is only 1 you! Be proud of yourself and know that you are always worth it!


Love Leah always and forever no matter what-I know she is a bratty little sister now, but she loves you immensely! Protect her, love her, be there for her! She will always love you and need you!


Don’t worry so much-things always have a way of working out! Don’t stress out and worry about things you can’t control!


They aren’t for you,if a romantic relationship ends up making you feel bad about yourself move on they are not worth giving your heart to! Someone should make you feel like a better person just by being with them! They should make you feel loved, appreciated, and adored!


Now about you!Relationships are a 2 way street! Be a gentleman first and foremost! Open doors, pull out chairs, be kind and adoring! Buy her flowers just because, do things for her just because! Always remember holidays and make a big deal about birthdays! Basically don’t be a jerk!


Spend time learningabout things you love and want to learn more about! Never stop learning!


People will mistreat you, they will make you feel bad and maybe even break your heart! They will bring negativity into your life! Know that it is ok to walk away from those relationships because they are just not worth it!


Surround yourself with positive people, people who lift you up, people who truly make you happy, people who get you! Take care of those relationships and never let them go!


And finally I love you! I will always love you no matter what! You can’t always come to me and talk to me about anything! Nothing you could ever do will make me stop loving you! We may disagree or even argue but know I will always be here for you whenever you need me!


Happy 13th birthday to my sweet, kind, funny guy! You are the light in my life and I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it! 

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